
Showing posts from October, 2023

General medicine E-log

32 CH SRILEKHA, 8th sem This elog depicts the patient -centered approach to learning . This is an online E log book recorded to discuss and comprehend our patients de-identified health data shared , after taking his /her /guardians signed informed consent . This elog also reflects patients centered learning portfolio. 75Y F with involuntary movements of upper ,lower limbs and face since past 5hours. Chief Complaints: Patient came to casualty with H/O 2-3 episodes of involuntary movements of right upper and lower limb and face since evening(28/10/23) History Of Presenting Illness: Patinet was apparently asymptomatic till today afternoon after she which she started having involuntary movements of right right upper and lower limbs associated with up rolling of eye balls and frothing not associated with involuntary micturation and defecation associated with postictal  confusion for 15-20min. H/o seizure activity on and off from past 3years and is on medication. No h/0 fever and head trauma

General medicine E-log

32 CH SRILEKHA, 8th sem This elog depicts the patient -centered approach to learning . This is an online E log book recorded to discuss and comprehend our patients de-identified health data shared , after taking his /her /guardians signed informed consent . This elog also reflects patients centered learning portfolio. 40 yr old male patient who is daily wage labourer by occupation came to OPD with  CHIEF COMPLAINTS : of pain abdomen since 5 days associated with fever since 2 days . HISTORY OF PRESENT ILLNESS  Patient was apparently asymptomatic 5 days ago then he developed pain which is insidious in onset and gradually progressive which is diffuse , squeezing type and radiating to back . Pain is relieved on medication . No C/O of vomitings , loose stools , burning micturition ,cough,cold , chest pain , SOB  . HISTORY OF PAST ILLNESS N/K/C/O TB , hypertension, diabetes, Asthma, epilepsy , CAD, thyroid disorders . PERSONAL HISTORY   Diet - mixed  Appetite- normal Bowel and bladder -regul